Interesting! I actually haven’t played a chief either, closest would be a Yeti2/metal yeti and I don’t think either of those are actually super close I’ll have to track down one of each of those eventually and compare!
totally agree. It’s a gimmick, really just the worst yoyo. it’s basically just hubstacks in yoyo form. Everyone should get rid of theirs, send it to me so I can recycle them.
p.s the assassin looks sick!
In all seriousness though 1.Ain’t nothing wrong with hubstacks 2. The crucible has been my main throw for over a year now, love it! It can handle any trick a yoyo in the ‘non-space-age’ yoyo category can. minute + long combos are no issue. It’s not going to do your taxes like a draupnir will, but it will go head to head with a grail any day.
I was just throwing my Top Deck 5 minutes ago and when I saw your photos (before reading the post) I thought “I love that gold yellow, I need to get one!” I really do love the gold!