What are you throwing in 2021?

I’ve added several more SE yoyos to my collection in the past couple months and so I finally decided to see if I can tell a difference when I swap them around.

Here’s my take:
Panorama - came second hand with the legos, definitely like it best with the ULs
MMC - been using it with the MO flats for a few months (stole them from my briefly owned MCMO), ULs were too light, the spikes play great as well but I don’t like the look of spikes, gonna need to get some more flats or maybe even something heavier like brass to try out.
Deep State - came second hand with ULs, really like how light it plays with them but also enjoy it with the blue MO flats. Did not feel right with the legos
Rebirth - settled on the legos since I think the yoyo played a bit heavy with the spikes it came with. Would probably prefer to have some ULs in this one but I only have the one set.

If anyone has some spare SEs they want to trade for a yoyo or two let me know in a PM please.