What are you throwing in 2018?


Roll Model

MKT, Shu-ta, space lobster and 888. 7075 goodness!

Top Yo Silenus and Recess Joyride

How are you liking the Silenus? Tempted to order one

I’m not very good so my judging is limited but i feel like it’s a lot more stable and spins for an average amount of time compared to my other throws. I’d say it’s easily in my top three out of the dozen i own for sure. It’s big and comfy in the hand as well. I’m not very good so i look for a balance of how fast i can get a combo going to how strait i can keep my yoyo and this guy falls right in the middle of that axis. Best part about the whole thing is it’s only thrity five bucks, i wanna order another one in green.

Very nice! Im going to snag one as well, i like that Rainbow acid washed version

YoYoda, aplha wing, havnt played fixed axel much, this months festivities have inspired me

Chief and Grail today

Bloody Knight Armament

Been on a responsive kick lately and as mentioned before, I’ve been inspired to play some Fixed Axle, as well. Gotta love how much fun you can have with a $3 yoyo. Who knew Butterflies were awesome?


Alleycat as well today. Same color.

Finally got around to putting a duncan friction sticker in there and am having a lot more fun with it. There’s a time and a place for lightly responsive, but I think I like the alleycat with a bit more response than I like some other yoyos.

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Happy #fixedFriday

We’re not happy until you’re not happy! *<B{Q>

ND Ultra. Trying to figure out whether I like it.

A Space Cadet, Terrarian, Metal Skyva, and a Superstar, almost all of these I got half priced during sales on either yoyoexpert or the yoyofactory website. I’m mainly practicing with all these yoyos for the PNWR comp that’s on the 24.

Space lobster and Sasquatch. 2 of my favs

One drop Downbeat and yyf Wedge

YYF Aviator

G2 OC and an OD Kraken my girlfriend got me for V-day, I’m loving this big beast.