Caribbean Sea Goatout
Last time I tried 5a it was too early in my yo-yoing and I hit a brick wall with the basics. Restarted yesterday and could suddenly do 720s. Started figuring out windmills this morning but was getting hit hard with the counterweight. Remembered how goofy people get, dug in my kids toys, and ended up with these - which are not only perfect for learning the basic catch, but also just make me happy. I’ve been grinding some early tech stuff and this just reminds me that yo-yos are fun as hell.
Great idea! My kids are territorial. No chance on getting their toys
Get yourself some soft counterweights! I make some, and so do Fairy Crystal Labs and Gummy Weights!
You can also make soft cws with erasers! Cut em to ~10g, cut some notches and loop the string around!
The squig is a solid option!
Yeah I’m actually looking at those on your shops right now. I’ll surely end up with something like that. The best thing with the stuffed animals were they were the right bridge I needed - I was having trouble with the windmill catch with a normal CW, used the stuffies for like 30 minutes, and they were super slow and wash and I figured it out. Then I switched to rubber erasers and squigs. By random chance they were the perfect beginner’s aid.
Yeah the stuffies were a fun 30 minute jaunt for an ultra-beginners aid but they were kind of a goof. but the squigs might hang around for a while. Soft, easy to slip knot, swing nice, and they come in lots of weights. Kinda love ‘em.
You need to invent the genre of trick that incorporates landing the suction cup on a solid object and continuing the combo. We can call it “sticky 5A”
Oh man literally I read this, walked over to the fridge, threw a trapeze, casually chucked the squig where it stuck perfectly to the fridge, and immediately managed to do some weird jump rope thing with the line on the fridge. And then was completely unable to repeat it - not even the part where I chucked the squig and it stuck. But these things are fun. I’m sure somebody actually good could do some seriously weird stuff.
This is brilliant! do we have any 5A wizards on the forums that would be willing to experiment with this?
Maybe @Augie?
My kids just got home, and the five year old thinks me using his little stuffies as a counterweight is in fact the greatest thing that has ever happened to him.
Idk what a squig is, but it reminds me of this weird suction cup phone stand thing I have used as a counterweight lol
Squigz are a suction cup children’s toy.
Looks like some new ones are about to drop, hopefully @YoYoExpertEric orders a few
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The raised spike is so good. I wish every yoyo had one. This looks