What are you throwing 2024?

Tested positive for covid but life must go on and I work remote so not exactly going anywhere .

While I don’t need another I’ve been throwing my banana Kasm from layer infinity because of the new Kasm drop tonight.


Hate to hear that bro. Take care of yourself.


Oh no. Feel better soon!


Is that as good as @Kaylinity said it was ? :slight_smile:


Noice :+1: Just need to add Dreamer to the collection or just not in the photos ? ⇂⇂11


Sorry to hear that Brandon, hopefully you are not having any major symptoms. And really good looking Kasm, yellow looks great


So I got the Motion Parallel when it was first released, justifying the purchase by telling myself that I’d save it for a Christmas present (for myself, from myself). But when Christmas rolled around, I figured my wife wouldn’t be thrilled with all the yoyos Santa dropped off for me (apparently, I’m one of his favorites), so I held off opening it a little longer. Today was the day and I figured that I’d finally open it up and give it a throw. Oh boy, it’s like someone was trying to tick off all my wishlist boxes: 52mm, H-shape, and light. The only thing that I didn’t get was a fingerspin dimple, but after watching a @MarkD video explaining how difficult that can be due to weight placement I understand that those aren’t always meant to be. Fortunately, the convex hub is still pretty easy to do finger spins with since your finger naturally drops into the crease. It’s also perfect for thumb grinds and finger grinds, so that makes me happy. Needless to say, I love love LOVE this!


They talking about this goose all the way in Russia :joy::joy:


Damn back to back posts with two yoyos I been trying to make up my mind between. Sonic Wave and SHFX. I been playing my Shooting Star a bunch and been thinking I’d like an upgraded one in terms of play with a similar feel. Anyone have any advice on which one is that? I was thinking iceberg maybe too but not sure. All 3 look so cool.


Thanks for the review and love love love the color!!! :slight_smile:

1 Like

Two are better. EDC sb2 and cold fusion.


Yesterday my best friend’s husband gifted me with this lot just after I ordered myself the Vulcan for half price :partying_face:


Unknown Dreamer and Pickaxe V1 have been added to the empty spots in the case. :wink: nickel Gnome and the Oatmilks have joined the FD-50 round boi’s case.


Even before reading the blog posts on the development on the yo-yo on the dreamcraft website. It was instantly a top ten favorite design of all time for me. Gives amazing anti-yo/ FHZ vibes in a way that’s hard to describe but as soon as I started throwing it around 1A and moebius I couldn’t stop smiling and it’s been a long time since a new yo-yo has done that for me.
I’m still wanting an Asora Test-Type:01 but I’m really glad I got this.
Given that the Dreamer released pretty limited with the Unknown edition I’d absolutely love to see the Asora have an Unknown edition drop someday. :heart_eyes::black_heart:


It could be that I’m still in the honeymoon phase with the Sonic Wave, but I think it’s an excellent hybrid. OTOH, I’ve been throwing the Sonic Wave every day for just over a month, so I’m probably past the honeymoon period. It’s such a different feel compared to the Iceberg, and even though I like it more I’m still a bit suspicious that the Icebergs are a lot older and I’m experiencing the novelty bias. But the sonic Wave’s cup is very different and you can feel it. It’s like a much bigger, more shallow bowl. And since the rims are inside the cup, you’re always feeling the outer plastic shell during most of your throwing. It’s bigger than I would have thought that I would like, as it’s over 56mm, but somehow it doesn’t seem that big since it flares out to the edge and doesn’t end with the beefy steel rims like the Iceberg does.

The SHFX is like they set out to make the ultimate finger spin yoyo. Whether that was the case or not, it’s drop-dead easy to finger spin on as long as you can get your finger anywhere inside the cup. It doesn’t matter where, as it’s steeply sloped into a very deep dimple. Originally I thought that the dimple was too deep, but you get used to it and can avoid too much contact and friction resulting in amazingly long spins. It’s still a really good yoyo when you disregard the finger spins, something that is apparently not so easy to accomplish. I still feel as though traditional bi-metal or hybrids are slightly better for regular, non-finger spinning tricks, but that could easily be a distorted perception of mine. If I’m going somewhere where it’s possible that I’ll be asked to do some tricks (usually it’s a retirement home), the SHFX is my go-to since it’s so good for finger spins and I can do pretty much every other trick that I know with it.

I know why you love the Shooting Star so much, it’s really is one of my favorite plastics. The Speedaholic XX is pretty similar, but it feels a bit bigger and slightly more aggressive to me. They’re both pretty equal (to me, at least) as far as capabilities, so it’s down to preferences for feel (Shooting Star feels a bit smaller with more rounded edges) and colorway. Plastics have a certain feel that’s unique to them, and for some reason I always want to throw more wildly with them compared to metal yoyos!

I know that probably didn’t help you choose between those yoyos, but they’re all so good that you’d be pleased with any of them - you basically can’t go wrong with either of them. But if I were forced to pick just one, I’d go with the Sonic Wave. It’s definitely not as easy to do finger spins on, but the Sonic Wave is just all-around fantastic. It’s a no-go for thumb grinds due to the angles, but that’s just a good reason to get a few yoyos - I’ve found that nothing is “perfect” in every single category.


The Vulcan always looked so interesting to me, and I probably would have gotten it but I wasn’t a fan of the gold colorway. I’d really like to hear your thoughts on it when you get a chance. The hubs remind me of the Solstice’s but it’s obviously difficult to tell just from a photograph.

Although, I will say that YYE has some of the best photos in the business. It’s a lot easier to tell what you’re getting when you buy your yoyos from this site. I’m sure that they’ve spent a pretty penny on photography equipment, and it shows. Of course, you also need to know what you’re doing with the equipment, so kudos to the YYE staff too; they take exceptional photos.


Just my dv888s for now, looking to grow my collection in the near future, have a few plastics I don’t use much, looking for some inexpensive ish metal throws. I’d really like an Eppendorf even though they are terrible by most peoples account that have one, still I want one really really bad :sob: last pic is Eppendorf which I’d like to obtain


Reboot and Format C rebooted for the down time at work today.


Thank you Tobias! That’s such high praise and I’m honored. Extremely stoked to hear you’re enjoying it that much. Hope it continues to bring you joy :blush: A fun yoyo is really hard to describe, design, or explain, but if you smile while throwing it, then I that’s all that I could ever ask for. :pray:


Blackout Bathy today to match my tools.

Get your timers set for the release.