Thank you, plays just as well as she looks.
How do you like that aoda?
It’s surprisingly capably. It can actually get through some shorter tech tricks no problem. I use thin LathedBackDesign string with it and that works quite well.
What camera are you using for these shots?
Eos R. 85mm prime. Lightroom on the edit. Godox fv150 light.
Cool light, never seen those before but it’s perfect for shots like these! Is it modeling light or do you use a flash remote?
My aunt had this old Duncan sitting around.
Thought it was gonna make some cool sounds…maybe I just didn’t throw it hard enough…
Wow that’s in great shape! Your aunt must be pretty cool.
Wow. What a find. It sure does look like it should whistle or something doesn’t it?
I use it as a constant light.
Sonic satellite! Should be pretty loud, maybe the holes have stuff in them?
It is for sure supposed to make noise. Maybe like was mentioned, check all of the passages/holes for blockages.
@kevinm @Hungrymushroom @Slestak75 Yea, It’s in great shape! Although it might not be in good shape for long. All her grandkids and their friends were playing with it when I left.
(I should probably call her and make sure she puts that yoyo aside!)
I didn’t check the holes for blockages, sounds like that might be the issue.
Oh yeah. If a bunch of kids are playing with it, it’s hard to say what could be shoved inside it.