What are you throwing 2024?

Respawn Lite


Working on making my lemon fully unresponsive and same for my origin

Flowable silicone and cleaned 4mm bearing and testing grooving a bearing. It’s not perfect and it’s very slight but there isn’t much material to work with anyway.

Using oh Canada string and p44 slim soft nylon poly blend and throw yo thin string to help the cause.


I forget to post in here alot. I’ve been throwing alot of this.


Hey Hey. Thanks for your nice post :pray:t4: They are always nice :slightly_smiling_face:

To answer your question about the Yoyorecreation CS61…


  • Incredibly fun throw which to me has a ‘stable float’ quality to it with a nice weight balance only slightly tipping towards the rims
  • Gorgeous minimalistic aesthetics
  • Mine came a bit vibey and has un-pristine coating but still very nice to look at and play with
  • Throws which came to mind: OD Panorama/TRT Cenote, Rounded off American Metal Spingadget, OD Prescription w/ Micro Caps

The CS61 is totally my jam. I haven’t had too much time with it but on those few throws I did have several of my favorite chill throws or a combination of their attributes came to mind. Some of them were the Panorama (maybe combined with a Turner Return Tops Cenote) or a rounded off American Metal Spingadget with Ultra Light Side Effects installed or even a light weight Yoyorecreation (P)Nir. I recently put Micro Caps in my Onedrop Prescription and in my highly subjective opinion I feel there are similarities in feel too.
My favorite aspect though is the weight. I can see myself playing this one for hours. In addition to its ‘stable float’ - I might call it - it makes for an incredibly ‘fun’ throw while ‘fun’ to me personally entails the following attributes:

  • Nice feel in the hands
  • Lightweight and floaty while still
  • Keeping an almost even balance between mid- and rim weight (leaning towards a bit more rim weight) which makes for a presence on the string I personally really happen to enjoy
  • Reliable and crisp bind returns even with low spin power at the end of a combo
  • Pleasing (in my case) minimalistic aesthetics

One initial downside though (which eventually turned out to be quite the opposite) is that mine came with a considerable amount of vibe which most of the time can’t be felt on the string though. Maybe just a bit more time with it is needed to break in the coating where the string touches the yoyo. Although I have to add that Yoyorecreation specifically addressed on their site that there might be some vibe and potential buyers should consider that when purchasing. The other thing is that the coating is a bit thin in some places so the ano beneath shines through a bit. But that being said these ‘flaws’ actually do help a lot to not get drawn to treat it as a shelf queen. There’s a lot of fun to be had with throwing this one and it looks stunning while doing so.

I hope you are enjoying yours as well!?

So long. Good Yo!


And just in case.


Today’s throw!

Gravitation 7 by Aceyo.


OD 54 OG


Packing my cases for Nationals and throwing a little. I’m bringing every prototype and release that Bruce and Jess have produced so far (plus a few of my fav non-Turner throws), stop by the TRT table and try them all!

Wishful thinking leaving only 5 empty spots…


Motif and a long counterweight. It’s crazy that technology has come far enough to allow for us to finally have long counterweights. Truly awe-inspiring innovation on display here.


Who is sitting on the left of that Martian? I spy your Respawn too! I have the same! Will you around tonight?

Thats a mechabape, but no Respawns in there. We will be around today and tonight.


This week throw:


Thank you, you are too nice :grin:

Great write up and I agree. Never thought about the coating may vary on thickness and that affecting vibe. But makes sense to me. Mine doesn’t seem to have vibe or I just don’t notice it yet. I was actually surprised with how much I like it. And of course I’m wondering how the anodized version feels. Hope all is well in Germany

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Throwing the Outlier II today


Elevated is such a fun yoyo!


It looks amazing! I felt like drooling over the wine red colorway. I’m not even a wine fan but ive always thought it was a classy shade of red and with those smokey rims i felt like Homer Simpson checking out a doughnut :doughnut:


Elevated is so good! Those that didn’t pick one up are missing out. Same with the G2 Wraith.
They both sit in my mind as absolute monsters on the string. Now they just need to do a Godzilla colorway on one and a king Geedorah on the other


Ooh man once I can start buying yoyos again I need to find a Wraith. It looks incredible. Maybe I can try to set up a trade for one… I would have to really consider which throws I would be willing to let go of. The ones I own that could be a fair trade I really am attached to lol

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T1 20/20 and Rebirth


Beautiful and I was wondering what beautiful area you’re in and then I see Vancouver. Yep that explains it. Gorgeous Rebirth