What are you throwing 2024?

Got an Alchemik Tyrant and Turner Return Tops Buoy to throw for a bit from a Pay it Forward thread.


F&FB Dreamer
ZGRT El Mijo Polycarb

Enjoy the throw my friends




Benchmark Dub and MMC today :smiley:


Le sighe :face_exhaling::sweat_smile: it’s going to be a loooong day. :weary::face_with_spiral_eyes::grin: :notes:



Todays throwtation. I tried to take some Stoopid videos but nothing looked good…


I use the red also. It seems to last longer. I wonder where I could get two part urethane???


Throwing the Bathysphere today. This thing is just a ridiculously fun yoyo. Light, agile, floaty, easily controllable and looks incredible.


Yep.:blush: My favorites are Red, Clear, White(G&E), Flowable Clear, Blue, and Ultra Gray. Generally in that order.

Could probably find some good recommendations online.Whatcha using it for?

(Edge and Flat marks for hex tuning the New FreeHand One)

White G&E tends to be a bit softer Durometer rating and wears down a bit faster than gasket maker RTV. But it’s easier to remove and reapply.

Plus it looks real snappy and still binds nice.
Not as snaggy as fresh pads/RTV.


The shape, the rims, engraved SE’s and this color! :heart_eyes:

Doesn’t get much better than that!




[Warning “not so mini” rant]
Welp, after a lot of time spent with the new FH One’s since pre-release (and this is coming from a long time modder and freehand lover) …I think I’m finally ready to say it. :confused:
I lowkey hate all the “modern” changes of the New Freehand One.
•The axle and spacers are chiefly the WORST culprits, from the simple act of wanting to increase the gap forcing you to buy the thick spacer kit which overshoots the gap and causes string slippage if you do not use the included KK bearing. -_-
•The annoying need to lock nut and remove the axle for each rotation of nut tuning the side the axle decides to stay on. Making a tedious job even more so.

Don’t get me wrong, I love all the rehashed nostalgia of the FH One editions (except the Bionic :crazy_face:) but the seemingly forced obsolescence and small tolerance changes to make old Freehand parts not fit rubs me the wrong way as it serves no functional purpose of improved performance compared to stock FHZ’s etc.
also while I’m complaining, a large part of getting them all modded was a means to try and correct some of the New FH One’s shortcomings. Chiefly schmoove grooved to slightly improve the smaller than FHZ stock gap by removing some body material and a deeper response recess because the new Duncan pads are thinner than necessary (possibly a cost saving method as thinner silicone sheets are cheaper, but not a good excuse for a poor design choice given everyone else sells and profits from their own pads already) suffice to say having a shallow response groove for the sake of profit margins on smaller thinner pads is never a good design choice.

I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed.
The New FreeHand One’s are good enough for what they are… but I’ll stick by this…

FHZ>New FH One

Throwing my End Part II and calming down now.


Got in the new CS121 and bringing it to try out with MP2 and Wish today. I’m hoping it’s the same as the nylon prototype I got in an order last month because that string is amazing, I still have it a month later after swapping across a few throws.


Personally, don’t have anything as impressive as y’all, but I’m currently rocking the Crystal K2 and having an absolute ball and I also have a loop720 on the way. I don’t need anything fancy, I just want to throw and be put to shame by competitors


I’ve been tossing this blasted Ti Respawn for about a week now. It’s starting to get some patina on it. Taking a bit longer than I expected. I really enjoy the wear these show over time. Telling the story of the trip it’s been on. I’ll spark it soon.


I hope your sparks treat you well. She sure is pretty

I’m just enjoying Life today.

Hope yall all have a good one today :heart:


El TiO


I actually liked that movie.

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Mines been stuck in customs. how do you like it? I was hoping someone would post a vid of it in action by now!


i absolutely love it. i was a big fan of the OG el mijo (sold it because it was grey not black lol), and this one really manages to capture all that magic, but in Ti. it accepts all the different bearing options, like the fixed axle blank and 3mm bearing, i bought some 4mm wide bearings to get the gap where I like it. it also happens to accept silver bullet weight rings too, something the originals couldnt!

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