Sudo and Kamuraiju. If you liked the Eetsit, Bapezilla/.2, or any of RSO’s Mecha/End line, do yourself a favor and pick up a Sudo tonight.
Nope, don’t see it, nothing to see here, just smile and wave boys.
I’m really digging that drifter xl color scheme. Reminds me of the older drifters. I would love to see an updated version of the older one. @bjardin make this happen. Maybe put some caps on it while your at it.
Glad you are still loving Centrifugal
You madman! What have you done!?
MWAHAHAHAHAHA! Having alot of fun mashing these up.
Ooh, that looks nice
How are you getting the caps off? I have an older one that i messed up trying to get the caps off.
I use broken halfs to help, one with cap removed on bottom, then align the half you want to pop cap from on top face down, then push with a flat punch. I put some paper towels in the hole to keep frrom scratching the clear caps. You may push the cap all the way into the bottom half, but same process will be easier to get it out.
I like everything about the look of this yoyo!
Those grub screws make it look kinda heavy, how does it feel in play?