Wanted: Barely Legal x Yoyofficer Nifty

I’m looking for a barely legal x yoyofficer nifty in gold. It is to replace something belonging to a friend that I damaged, so it really needs to be a match.

If anyone has one that they are looking to sell (or trade for a couple of well-used old school coke spinners :wink:), please PM me to discuss. Thanks!


Someone on the FB BST has one.


Sorry, FB BTC is Facebook?

Yeah. Yoyo BST & Talk Group.

Thanks to the help in here I got a replacement Nifty that has gone down well with the recipient. I traded it with the one that I scratched so now everyone is happy. I have a new toy :grin:

I’m an old -schooler. Learned all my tricks at the end of the 90’s, so a non-responsive yo-yo is completely novel. I can’t believe I used to do all those string tricks with a Raider. I’m having loads of fun now.

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