UYYC, United YoYo Contest

Today’s date of 2•20 is exactly 60 days until UYYC! Incredible contest year after year that we couldn’t pull off without the help of the community. We want to give a big thank you to everyone that’s signed on for the event!

#UnitedYoYoContest #UYYC #UYYCkendamaBattle #BlackLights #BlacklightContest #YoyoExpert #Reticyoyo #SolKendamas #FreshlyDirty #OneDropYoyos #Toybania #CircleCityYoyos #OldSchoolThrows #24kWhips #DocPop #CapitalsYoyo #Krom #KendamaUSA #RainCitySkills


Love to see the effort put in to make contest like these happen, awesome! I’m curious, are there any plans to upload video of the main 1a competition to YouTube or anything? Either way hope it’s all goes well. :smile::call_me_hand:

Lastly I’m just glad I made it through this post without saying something immature about the date lol :zipper_mouth_face:

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Super excited for this!!! If all goes according to plan, this will be the first contest I’ll attend!

UYYC is flying out Ben Gates from Yoyo Contest Central on YouTube. Ben will be filming the entire contest and live-streaming the event starting with the UYYC Kendama Battle at 10:30am CST. Entire contest will be filmed, edited, and uploaded to Yoyo Contest Central by Ben Gates. Expect to see 1st-3rd place of every division on-line before he leaves St. Louis. The rest will go up the week following the contest after Ben flys back to New Jersey. :sunglasses::call_me_hand:


I posted this on the FB post about this but got no reply. Is there a scene around Kansas City? I can find old posts about it but no current info. I live in Olathe and would love someone to throw with.

We are in St. Louis so I’ll post info on the St. Louis club meets here in a different thread. For Kansas City I’m not sure when but I think they meet at Go Big Skill Toys. There is definitely a big group of awesome players there. You can find the FB link for the KC Yoyo Club on the bottom of any of the pages on our website:

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Thank you for the info. I tried to join the group a couple weeks ago but never got accepted. I live pretty close to Go Big I will talk to them.

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Is anyone on here (or anybody you know) going to be there tomorrow? I’m super excited to be going!!!

UYYC was so much fun! I’m definitely going again next year.