Uranium yoyo? & What if you poured Gallium over a metal yoyo?

Let’s make this yoyo a CLYW.

Let’s say Uranium isn’t deadly radioactive in this case. How would it do as a yoyo?

Then you’d have a metal yoyo with Gallium stuck on it, which would melt all over your hands when you held it.

Similar density to gold/tungsten. Stronger than Titanium, but obviously at the cost of all that added weight. It would no doubt cost a lot.

I’m sure there would be better options. Tungsten Carbide for instance is a bit less dense (~14g cm/3 as opposed to ~19g) but considerably stronger so you could be more creative with weight distribution. Would probably cost you a fortune in tooling costs making a run of them though. :stuck_out_tongue:

Pretty sure this would happen:


It’d be a shame to see that new swirl who get torn of a yoyo like that… Let’s do it.

Quite frankly, what’s the point of asking this at all. It’s totally ridiculous.


Dunno, just felt like asking it.

I’m more interested in a yoyo made of sand

Oh, I’d totally love to try pour gallium over my cheap, unstable MYY Rainbow. But I don’t have gallium, and I doubt I’d be able to get any.
