[Tutorial] Into The Light

I made a tutorial!

It’s been a hot minute since I did yoyo stuff because I’ve been busy with school/life, so I guess this tutorial is my re-entrance into the community. It would mean a lot to me if you checked it out/told me what you think!! :DDD

Feels nice to be back~


Nice! Welcome back! I’ve pretty new and have been just cruising through tutorials learning to yoyo and I will say this is fairly long w lots of hard elements. A super cool trick and I’m going to learn this opener for sure, but in general, I try to avoid longer trick tutorials with lots of hard elements bc I realized through experience that is an easy was to burn myself out. I think each of these parts are sick and they could each earn their own tut. That’s just my experience so far as someone new enough to yoyo to be learning a lot of tutorials still and maybe I’m not the market demo for this Idk. Either way this is a super sick trick and maybe I’ll go in for the whole thing one day . Thanks for making it!


Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!

That’s definitely fair, maybe it would have been a better idea for me to break it into two tutorials and maybe go into a little more depth in each of them~! Hopefully the parts that you want to learn are clear enough that it isn’t too hard to learn!

I hope yoyoing has been a pleasant experience for you so far! Really changed my life so it’s wonderful to see new people getting into it~

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