Tricks from chopsticks

Any tricks from chopsticks for 1a?

The only three I know are Chopsticks to GT, Chopsticks and Noodles, and Chopsticks Suicide. I’m interested to see what others there are too.

I think that’s enough  :P.


OMG, thanks that was like awesome, I think I gonna learn everyone of them thanks shisaki!!

I’ve never tried anything from chopstix 1a, I might try one of those videos Shisaki…

Except for the fact that I stopped doing 1a…5a rules! If you want I’ve got some 5a chopstix stuff.

Yeh, Ok im quite a fan of 5a but Im just trying to make like some 1a combos

I lime quite a lot of the video from shisaki but I don’t understand some of them, like hashbrowns and also Mark mont’s trick I don’t understand either can’t see where the strings are,

I know I have already made a post on it but does anybody know or have any tuts on some real tech looking 1.5 mount tricks, I really need some stuff, and help would be appreciated,

thanks everyone, Cameron!

That has gotta be my favorite. And if you’re looking for chopstick combos I might film one soon.

Yeh that be awesome, thanks!

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