Trick-a-Week 2025- #9 Bao Duy Slack Triangle

Wow–I can’t land this one on film for the life of me… but for the record, I have landed it! :tada:


sweet! great job yo

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It’s the curse of the camera I swear


3 levels of trick knowledge: I can land it, I can land it on film, and I can land it on film before questioning whether or not I can land it



That was great and I love the Smaug. I’ve been keeping a close eye on the inventory. I really want one but I have to wait a while. I did get The One though.

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With the declining mental capacity I deal with, it’s getting more difficult to focus on anything for more than very short bursts. This definitely makes it hard to keep up. Often times I’m happy to pull a new element or 2 out of these tricks. There’s still so much I don’t know so I’m just having fun trying new things. I’m still working on Circus Rings because I like the look of it. So if I ever get that one I’ll definitely post it here.


I got it down today. Sadly I will not be able to film before Wednesday. Video coming before Friday for sure however.


Week 1 slash gerbil


any participation from you is both valued and appreciated. i can’t imagine what that’s like for you but personally I’m just glad to have a genuine dude like you hangin out with us :v:


i love that you found a gerbil themed song that was funny!

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Hey anyone willing to give me some help on this last whip for this week?

I feel like I’m making progress today (you shouldve seen me an hour ago lol) but it’s still extremely not happening

I feel like im holding on too long or doing something awful with my NTH. Maybe also not generating enough oomph with the TH.

This trick and the element especially is way out of my comfort zone. I’ve been avoiding stuff like this and it shows.


It looks like you’re pinching the string on your index finger with your thumb. Try instead to pinch between your index and middle finger, and then also pinch against your palm with your thumb.

Both the Diegob and sleeper videos show trying to do it with two pinches really nicely. Pair that with a little more of a hop and I think you’ll get it! You’re very much on the right track.


Are you pinching like this? I think it’s that u need to pinch with your thumb. Like u should see the loop like in my video even without whipping it in


Try to pull back the string with your non th thumb and pinch with your index and middle finger. Imagine that your fingers are a pair of scissors while pinchin. Then, try to do the movement in the video I sent you in dm! Good luck!


Thanks for the help, everyone. I am definitely not pinching correctly! I’m mashing everything up against my index finger instead of having two distinct pinches.

This one is challenging and it’s really helping me get better. Great choice!


It’s been two days and I finally hit the whip once. This trick is driving me crazy (in the best way possible). Thanks for all the tips!


so something i dont see everyone do but it helped me to do it, in Jake’s video if you look at his nth as he sets up and goes for the whip when he turns his hand palm up he uses his thumb to hold the string against his palm and then his middle and ring fingers actually push into the double string loop that will be the slack. it almost looks like hes using those fingers to add some initial tension, and his hand stays very flat through the movement. this turned out to be very key for me. if i lost focus and didnt do that, my consistency would bottom out.

you can see in this screenshot how his fingers are pushing into the loop as it starts its motion. this also helped me isolate that hand flip motion. let me know if im being unclear in my explaination


Currently at level 2 of the digitalcharlie “levels of trick knowledge” lol spending the rest of the week polishing it up.