Trick-a-Week 2025- #11 Spirit Bomb

awesome dude! glad it’s starting to click for ya


Whenever I do the slacky part the slack moved way to fast and I don’t know how to slow it down and prevent it from wrapping all the way around my hand. Anyone know something that would help??


Without seeing how you’re doing it I’d just suggest trying to keep less tension. Like not keep the string as tight yk? Lmk if it helps by any chance

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id have to play with it but this trick is all in the timing of the release. maybe try to release the slack loop slightly later and it may have less momentum. ive been ill since yesterday or I’d play with it before answering you but how the loop travels is definitely tied to release timing.

edit: also remember what Henry said. hesitation is your enemy on this one so as soon as you get the loop traveling around, start throwing the yo back over so that it lands on the string before the loop closes, goes anywhere else, or before torsion twists the loop


Ok I’ll keep this In mind and practice some more, thanks!


Yeah its the timing of the release of the string held with nth. If its wrapping up around th, you released the string on nth too early. The timing is funky. Try to force yourself to release later like right before you bounce off. Definitely felt like goofy timing for me when i was first learning it like not intuitive iirc but then made sense later.


This trick took me a while to learn. I posted a while back about it. Took me a few months to get it. Now I can hit it pretty consistently. This is definitely one of those tricks that takes time to get it down but once you do it’s easy to throw it into a combo.

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Any hints for getting the yoyo to land in the slack after the “bounce” part? I’ve landed it a couple of times, but I usually miss it…


It’s kinda muscle memory unfortunately imo, but there is something you can check. I believe the guy in the 2nd video said that I’d you keep your throw hand pointed like, at your other finger basically and not straight ahead, that it may make the slack fall directly under the yoyo. So it’s a bit more consistent or so. As keeping fingers pointed may make it fly to more places. I’d play around with where your finger is pointed and see if it helps. Lmk if u get what I mean or not

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Have been stuck at the same point. Finally finding some success pointing my throw hand pointer away from my NTH. Hope that helps.

how so? does the loop shrink to be a diff height than the yo? or is it twisting up?

accuracy on that hit is tricky. I’ll run through the corrections i had to make and see if any of that helps.

  1. hesitation. i know i keep saying it, but it’s weird how much this relies on just going for it. in the attempt i posted i actually almost hesitated too much. when i watched it after posting it, i realized how close i was to missing that one

  2. keeping the loop from closing. after i let go of the pinch to get the slack moving, i still keep some control over the pinch. i don’t let go entirely, i use my thumb to keep some tension and control. if you don’t control that part the weight of the yo can pull that loop closed a bit, which is why i asked about if they were at different heights

  3. torsion. ANY torsion at all mad it really difficult at first. i was fixing torsion every single attempt for a while to keep the loop from twisting and closing before i could mount the yo in it

  4. sometimes i would end up with the whole yo passing into the loop without it mounting. this one i never found a “trick” for, just the muscle memory fixed that part as far as i can tell

if any of that isn’t clear, lemme know and I’ll clarify/film whatever is necessary

I think you might be forgetting to pinch the string in your NTH before you release the string with your thumb, otherwise you lose all the slack as the yoyo drops down off your TH.

Only the 3rd video (@hobbygod) seems to mention it, but @Rhythm162 did say in the comments he forgot that part in the first video.

I know this is the part I wasn’t doing at first until I realized something was off, still learning it myself but I’ve actually landed a few times now.


Yeah my bad man

Make sure you got the string coming off th gripped with middle ring and pinky to open up space. If changing the direction you’re pointing is helping, that’s dope. Fwiw i just point both indexes forward but there’s more than one way to peel a potato or w/e the saying is lol

It sounds to me like you’re adding unnecessary movement when you bounce off, either in th or when you release the slack so make sure you release the string held with nth kind of gentle. Everything should line up on its own so that’s why I’m thinking you might be adding extra movement. You can also try to keep the yoyo close to th index for the bounce so that there is less room for error. Good luck yo also try to film yourself and you might be able to spot any added movement like that even if its not to post just like a way to help

Thanks for the fast responses everyone! I think I was releasing the pinch on my nth too soon, if I hold it longer I seem to have a much higher success rate.


Question about the moving slack : Does it roll over the yoyo and into the gap or under the yoyo? It seems like it goes under the gap and the yoyo is free to bounce. Right ?

By free I mean that whe rolling and bouncing out, the yoyo gap will not meet the string on its way down. (Imagine the transition from submount to 1,5 mount).

Also, is the loop supposed yo flay around or is there a rejection supposed to happen somehow?

Ngl really tired rn so hopefully I understood it right. On around 40 seconds in my tut u can see how the loop goes over the yoyo first, then you throw the yoyo off the right, onto the string. And the first loop happens not cuz of a rejection, but because of the tension. It’s why adjusting when u left go of the string when the yoyo lands on the string makes it either move really fast or like not at all. Hopefully the slo mo can help in my tut, I even tried purposefully missing it the first time so u can see how it’s supposed to connect

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It helps! I just saw another tut mentioning the word “rejection” that got me even nore confused. I tried for nearly 3 hours yesterday. I think I got it twice. I will keep grinding today. You totally answered my question. Thanks.

P.S The rejection question did not concern the tension part but the bounce part.

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Np man, glad I could help

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Ok I am getting somewhere. I see what I do wrong, i just cannot get it right. I found that not pinching with nt hand index and middle finger actually helps me get the slack rotating. I decided to go with the under or nothing version and not the magic drop one. I think I am getting this sooner than later!!!