Trick-a-Week 2024—#52 Control Workshop

Heres some binds. First one was new to me. The rest were just like throwbacks.

My problem is i know a million binds but forget to do them :grimacing: ooops


Thinking through the next bind like



I gotta work on that augie fash bind, i can do talon grind, but that whip/laceration from the mount while also popping the yoyo and landing the finger grind is pretty tricky…


Helps if you know the izuru bind. It’s in that amazeyoyo compilation of 20 binds I linked above. One quick tip is to make sure you’re whipping the slack before you land the yoyo. I missed that at first and was trying to whip the slack after landing the grind and the slack kept bouncing off my hand. Skull emoji Good luck yo



finally got last week finished! split ma finger open getting it down but hey, sacrifices must be made to the almighty yo.


Great job @Splizacular!


tks man, i genuinely thought i wouldnt get that one


TaW #49 - Bindapalooza!!!
Warning: the following video contains unedited footage, including mistakes, snags, brain farts and oddly abrupt ending. Enjoy!


Hey there!

In addition to what Henry mentioned, it also really helps if you learn this slack repeater from Yuuki from 2005:

It’s at @ 1:59 in his Worlds 2005 routine here:

You can see it from a different angle at 2:05 in this video. He does it in some other freestyles too.

That trick is nice to learn because it’ll give you a lot more control over that whip/slack. It’s kind of an unusual motion. Learning that repeater is also great because it’ll allow you to practice the general motion over and over in order to reinforce the concept.

Good luck!!


i dig the gyro flop one a lot. Im such a sucker for gyroscopic flop


That’s the Flopsicle bind by Doc Pop… the tutorial is about halfway through this video:


Learned this for bind week! I need to work on using more of the binds i know instead of doing the same 2-3 all the time,


Tyler’s definition of “easy” and mine still differ significantly, even a year after my first time watching that.


Week 50 — Hook to GT

TaW is looking for someone(s) to help run the thread for 2025 — reach out if you’re interested! No experience level required, just a desire to learn a trick every week

This week’s trick is pretty straightforward — it’s a nice way to go from a hook to a GT. Last week’s bind-fest got me thinking about tricks that I didn’t know how to exit from, and that was 1.0 hooks for a long time. Personally, I used to always just bind or unroll, and this was one of the first tricks I learned that starts with a hook.

If you haven’t gotten 1.0 hooks down, this is your chance to practice! And if you can do them with ease, this can turn into a nice little auto pilot. Or use it as a chance to learn double hooks.

Bonus trick — rejection whip

If you’re looking for another way to end tricks after last week’s bind-fest, check out rejection whip:


Here’s my take starting with a double hook


I’m still mostly practicing that grind bind from last week, I’ve been using narrow yoyos (sub 40mm) only to try and help my accuracy but it also just kinda means actually filming clean takes of stuff would take way more time than I wanna put in oops.


Which one was giving you trouble or did you want to learn?

I’m still working on the grind bind too, but I’m not even close to filming it yet. i did learn the flopsicle jason posted and i enjoy that one a bunch. i need to find a min to dig around and find some natural ways to get into a 1.5 cuz none of the tricks i know end there. i could always modify something like buddah’s revenge or rolling from a sub mount :man_shrugging:

i guess thats been something I’ve been thinking about and may as well ask. when yall approach building a combo, do you do a lot of modifying tricks to fit, or is your yocabulary just large enough that mixing and matching tricks is just that easy? like in my above example, would you approach that as “which trick do I know that ends in 1.5 that i could go into that with” or more like “ok i need to be in 1.5 so imma stop x trick early” kind of mods? hope I’m making sense with my question


I used to approach combo building just from the perspective of thinking about what mount elements I know/learn start or end from, and then just naturally linking those elements together through the shared mount.

But now I think more of the actual genre of what an element is and factor that in heavily when trying to build combos. So instead of just thinking about shared mounts to transition between elements, I try to make sure the elements actually make sense together. For example if the first element in my combo enters a mount through a slack, I feel like then another slack should be utilized to leave that mount. Trying to keep the combo thematically consistent if that makes sense, rather than just linking any random elements together just because they share a mount.


i see, very interesting. makes total sense. there’s not enough time in the day to learn enough tricks, just upload it straight to ma brain lol