Trick-a-Week 2024—#50 Hook to GT

I don’t think it needs to be quick and stop, but it is a lot of pull, especially compared to a lot of tension hooks. Henry’s video is a good example of a slower and smoother pull, but you can see on both his and mine or throw hand winds up Perry far down and away.

One thing I’ve generally found that helps loops for hooks form in general is having the hand that generates tension come in closer to my body compared to the hand catching it. So if my nth catching is like 10” out, my th hand might wind up like 4. Take a look at this screen shot to see what I mean.

Otherwise, can you take a video of an attempt or two? That usually helps a lot.


sure can!

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Just to add a couple more things that might help. Getting a nice vertical hop will definitely help so that the yoyo isn’t pulling away too much slack and you have enough time to catch the yoyo. Take a second to sit in the mount right before the hook so that you can make sure you have the proportions good and everything is setup right. Really kinda push into the strings with th as you hop and release to get the slack to start going around and then pull with th more to open up the slack and help control the timing of when you want to catch the yoyo. This is a tricky element when first learning it for sure so def take a break if you need to and just try to stay optimistic. You’ll get it and when you do it’ll feel dope! I seriously love these kinda hooks bc they feel so satisfying to execute.

Okay I just watched your video and I think you want to focus on hopping the yoyo up a bit more and really pushing into the strings with th to get more tension there. I can make a video in a little bit that might help highlight some of the finer details bc it’s kinda hard to tell in our full speed videos. I’ve been doing this element and similar elements for a while also so I’m like far off the vanilla standard and easiest execution at this point. Like I hopped way out to the side but more vertical is easier.

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awesome tips ty! I’ve been intimidated by hooks and slacks so I’m trying to push outside my comfort zone

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Okay so you can get into the same mount quick and easy if you go into brother and then put the loop on nth. The first one is showing without the hop. The second on is something i think you should try, just focus on hopping the yoyo up and throwing the slack around, without worrying about catching the yoyo. The third one is the element and i want to point out that i bent my knees to give me a bit of extra time to get the slack to hook the yoyo. If you watch the pros play yoyo they are constantly bending their knees and moving with the yoyo. You want to track the height of the yoyo with nth so the knee bend helps. Also pulling away with th will shorten the slack but also help speed it Up, which is useful for controlling the timing of the catch. This is a pretty finesse type thing but will come with time. I think start with just focusing on hopping the yoyo up and throwing the slack around with th. Also don’t hesitate to seek more opinions like these are just some things I’ve found to help but other definitely might have more insights on what helped them.


One thing I’ll add watching the video - your throw hand is doing more of a little circle. Try focusing on pulling it away and holding it to the outside of your hip / don’t let it come back in (I’d even say don’t worry about catching it, try it a few times just focusing on holding that hand down by your hip with your finger pointing down).

When your hand circles back in you remove tension and make it harder.


Here’s what I mean - the first I keep my hand by my hip, pointing down (which is really more for extra distance / emphasis / exaggeration can make it easier to remember). The second is more similar to what you’re doing, where your hands comes back in.


ok after watching that i rewatched mine and i see what you mean. I’ll fight that urge tks!


ok im starting to get the loop to form, but when i start going for the catch, am i aiming for the front half or the back?


Nice! Back half!


eyyyyy i caught it for the first time!! :call_me_hand:


oh wow you weren’t lying about how fun and satisfying this is when you start hitting it! I’ve hit it about a dozen times this morning so I’m gonna work on a flashier way to get into the keychain. just to be clear though, cuz yall speed up by the time you end the trick lol, i should be ending in an undermount, correct? (or whatever you call the side version)

thanks for all the help, this has been very fun and i can’t wait to put some polish on it and get it on vid


Yooo!!! Congrats!!! And yeah it ends in an undermount!

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sry guys i feel like im hogging the thread…

with that first whip into the keychain, it looks kinda like the whip into kamikaze movement. is it fair to approach it that way, or am i missing some aspect that makes it different?

edit: nvm nailed it. in my mind it translated to a one handed kamikaze whip at a different angle. i see what you mean @digitalcharlie with the angles and how it changes the whip necessary. i found it the most comfortable to do the pull it at an angle across my body, cuz it helped me visualize it as a somewhat vertical kamikaze whip

i like when yall include breakdown discussions on the elements like that. it’s interesting and i feel like i walk away with a deeper understanding


my first whip settled out to be pretty vertical just to my side lol anyway, here’s what i got


Great job!


tks dude! felt good :grin:


Hi! This is my first time posting here on trick-a-week!
Here is my attempt

For me the hardest part was when you have to let go of the string just after landing the first hook. It was a bit difficult to do it in one motion but finally i did it!
Thank you for all the tips!


Great job! Welcome to the best thread on the forum!