Trick-a-Week 2024—#43 Yuuki Slack

Looks like you got it lol!!!

I figured that out because someone was telling me it was hard, but I figured out the whip in like 10 seconds - then realized I was doing it wrong.

It’s much more challenging- but going further in the trick I see why it’s needed. Going to be awhile before I get it consistent!!!


Yo uhhh ooops :grimacing: I’ve been doing this without that wrap! Y’all can ignore my video earlier because that wasn’t quite right!!! I missed the screenshot @Bobparty sent earlier but mr. Party—you did well to notice that and I’m sorry for giving you some wrong info earlier! Nice work @rickyyR for being on it and figuring out how to do this properly! I’m all over the place getting ready to go to worlds and just totally missed that!
I’m not sure how that wrap affects the rest of the trick but I’ll play with it when I get a second and see if I can get the trick down more properly!


I was a little confused watching that earlier video because if you did the under whip without your index finger over the string, it cinches off the area for the yoyo to land in the final whip.

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If it doesn’t affect the rest of the trick I’m going to be mad I spent two days figuring it out @GTDropKnot hahaha

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@GTDropKnot @Slestak75 @rickyyR I’ve spent all day figuring this out and hope this helps

Video quality is awful because YouTube decided to butcher it but I think the idea is there. Hope this helps to show what has gotten me close to consistent with the wrap.

Apologies for the dirty room but had to get this between meetings


I was able to get this!!:smiley::smiley:


Yup that seems about right hahahaha!

If you miss once it gets in the gap it can be very painful


Nice! I just spent some time working on it and figured it out as well. Doing the whip like that is definitely trickier than how I had been doing it before. Hah imma ask Thomas at worlds to see if he has any advise.

Both this way and the way I first did I it end in the same mount but change the way you whip the string for the last part. The way I was doing it originally requires you hop the over the segment of string coming off the underside of TH and then whip. But the way Thomas teaches, you never let the Yoyo pass over that segment of string and keep the whip under. Theyre different and it’s probably worth it to learn it properly instead of how I did it at first, but they do both end in the same mount and are probably both worth the same clicks.


Alright!!! I caught that sucker twice now!!! I just tried real hard to focus on drawing a circle with my finger. I realized I had been bending that pointer in and so I continued to miss the catch. I focused on keeping that finger straight and drawing a circle and it just happened without me even having to do anything else. So excited!!! Thanks guys.


Congrats friend!!!


I caught myself doing the exact same thing (not keeping the nth finger straight)… the devil truly is in the details :grin:


I have to restrain myself every time but I’m catching it more and more. I still keep bending and pointing down. Neither is good for this trick. :rofl:


I have to call defeat on this one :coffin: Can‘t land the last slack starting from the mount. I have landed it a few times with a hanging yoyo, but it was more luck than skill.
Props to @GTDropKnot and @SpintimeError for getting it! Also i like how your music matches the trick very well in the clip @SpintimeError :fire:


This is one of those tricks I’m just going to have to keep working on — nowhere near consistent enough with it to feel good recording it. But have to say, I do love doing that tension bit as a repeater.


I nearly have this consistent at this point. But I can’t piece it together I always slip at some point.

Looking forward to posting it as soon as I can. I absolutely LOVE these tricks that push me, I always come out the other end better.

Funny enough, and maybe it’s just me. But I learned 2.5 hook about a week or so ago and I can hit that more consistent than some of the elements in this trick haha.

If anyone needs any help please feel free to reach out!!


Fashionably late TAW - Week 18. What week are we on again…?


**Week 31 - Snagbar by @rickyyR **

This week we’re doing a trick by our very own @rickyyR, who has been putting together smooth little combos on the regular. I liked this one in particular, and it’s a blast to do. Watch for the snaggy bit, but keep tension in the string formation and you should be good.


Yoo, stoked to see my trick as taw. Thanks for the pick. It might not be the most flashy looking, but it will teach you how to keep the string tight and keep the yoyo going. You can also do a smooth transition to a wrist mount in the end! If you guys have any questions, feel free to ask. I am glad to help, as always. Have fun!


@GTDropKnot @rickyyR @Slestak75 sloppy as can be, but I hit it. Now time to smooth it all out


Way to go bro. I’m still a long way from getting this trick. But I will keep at it and hope to get it one day. It’s honestly hard for me to focus on practicing for much more than 5 minutes at a time so it takes me a while. :rofl: