I’m trying to setup a yoyo club or something that meets once a month or possibly bi-weekly. If your interested or even just want to represent yoyos in the south hit me up.
lets turn to this one… instead of that old one
ya dude i’m defentally down if you wanna meet up in hammond sometime. I’m supposed to get two new throws saturday I’m so excited about. a jazz-yo regulus and a black yyf boss. I would so love to show em off to you lol.
-Justin Crosswhite
I didn’t realise that VsNYYC is from Louisiana too. We should get Heath and a few of us together and have like a little meet or something.
wow vsnyyc is from louisiana! yeh lets pick like maybe some mall or popular area that wouldnt be too sketchy lol like near a store
french quarter
definetley. cafe du monde every saturday like 3pm-whenever we feel like it
yeah we could do new orleans, if we do hammond we could go to the little outdoor mall thing they have there, maybe meet up at Books a Million. I don’t know New Orleans super well but the city park there is cool. and the aquarium or the riverwalk mall on canal st would be awesome too and they have like the sidewalk and benches that go beside the river that would make some awesome backdrop for yoyo video We could do Mandeville and go to Fountaine Bleau State Park. It doesn’t bother me where lol I just wanna get at least 4-5 people together and throw some. Personally I don’t like driving in New Orleans if I don’t have too but if New Orleans is most convienent for everyone else I’ll make an exception :
well river walk would make great back round for vids
or the st louis cathedral would be kinda cool
were the do the concerts and show right in front if we put out a little hat we probly get money lol
haha yeah
Yeah, you would be surprised how much you can make panhandling in the french quarter. Some of the street performers there are pretty territorial though LOL. We could film in the world famous new orleans cemetery. Like the scene in the end of Easy Rider where they are all freaking out in the cemetery. That would be cool. Although neither of you have probably never seen Easy Rider :
yeah i was making fun of a “human statue” a while back while walking to the aquarium (it was PACKED!)
i put my hat down and started doing random stuff near him… he got mad
when i go in the summer we got to go to the french and make some money and vids
Ok anyone interested in meeting up with us southern throwers, our louisiana club is The Stuffy Bunny Brigade. So if your interested pm me or camjameron or hit us up in the stuffy bunny brigade thread
yeah man. wanna meet up today?