The fact that this thread was made halfway through 2014 distresses me. That time has gone WAY too fast. :-\

I think necros are acceptable in this case. This was a fantastic thread, it deserves not to be lost to the archives forever. ;D


You’re missing a BIG one: maiderade! Also, I’d REALLY like to see gray bip bop. I have an AC2 with that colorway and it is absolutely GORGEOUS.

What if… What if… He did this.

I think our heads would explode.

What color way is that?

It’s a new one, but I think they’re calling it Rainbow Trout.

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We need to keep this awesome thread ALIVE so it doesn’t get lost in the archives forever. These wallpapers are amazing!

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Yes, yes we do.

wow this thread is still alive :smiley:

Looks great!

IG: j_yo_nah