There are no clouds…but the sunshine has gone away

If it wasn’t for that stupid friction, yoyos wouldn’t work so well.


Sounds like the day I dinged my wooly marmot… :’(

Without any detail, yours is a much sadder tale than mine. If I owned and then dinged my Wooly Marmot…well, the matter would probably require therapy and the use of mood altering pharmaceuticals.

“There are no clouds…but the sunshine has gone away” – sounds very possibly that you could be referring to night-time.

Seriously though, that’s an interesting personification of a yoyo. Just don’t let anyone in the outside world know you’re doing this, they might think you’re weird.

Just playing. :slight_smile:

“…the outside world…”?

What, am I a resident confined to an institution in segregation away from the general populace for the greater society’s welfare now and I wasn’t told? My father always told me there may come a day…

As to the advisory to monitor my remarks lest others reckon me weird, that ship sailed lo these many years ago.

The elementary school spelling axiom we were taught over and over; “i before e except after c.” Now here comes along this word “weird”. Here’s an “e” parked out ahead of the “i” and there is no “c” to found anywhere in the neighborhood. Weird is a weird word man.

By the way, Shawn is up and around this morning and even talking about trying to spin again sometime today already. I’m so proud, she’s such a trooper.

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This…just made my day 8)

Reminds me of when my code 2 fell out of my pocket. I watched it slowly fall, bouncing on the pavement, and rolling under a car. I thought it couldn’t get worse. Then the car started MOVING.No joke. It sucked

Oh dear, that would wreck me if it happened to me.

…and so class we learn there is never a situation so calamitous it can’t somehow get even worse.

Luckily it sorta grazed my yoyo. But still sorta. So my Bape Code 2 is even farther away from mint.

I dinged up a Viszilla when the string snapped, now it looks better than ever :wink:

Reminds me of when I got my first ding. It was the first day of having my first throw. I jumped in the air and threw, then gravity kicked in and my poor little popstar smashed into the cement. I was practically in tears. I got over it quickly though.

I have learned my lesson, NEVER do off string over concrete…

It’s really fun though because it’s nerve wracking…

if I “wrack” my nerves like that for an extended period of time I’ll throw up




The marmot doesn’t bind well when doing off string



wait, you’re doing offstring with a CLYW Wooly Marmot, over concrete? You are either extremely skilled, an impetuous gambler, or just fool hardy. Maybe all three.



Well… I was using Cotten strings and it broke on a SUPER hard throw… But I do do offstring with it over grass.