The Quark by String Theory | Review

When String Theory first came on the scene with the Remnant, I developed a kind of giddy anticipation for what would come next. The Remnant was a great flagship yo-yo that showed off the talents of the String Theory team. String Theory approached me at the 2010 Bay Area Classic contest with some new designs. Among them was the Quark, a little yo-yo with more presence than size and the even smaller Singularity. Shortly afterwards, the yo-yos came to market and so far the feedback has been positive. The team sent me a Quark and a Singularity for review and I would be lying if I told you I hadn’t given in and tried them out already. This week is the Quark, a quirky undersized throw that is proud to proclaim a unique feel both in hand and on the string. Review of the String Theory Quark

Another great review