Those pictures are insane guys and look so good, i have only 2 stupid cases and one is also basically empty
the idea of the shelf is very nice but I guess you don’t have cats in the house!
Between my toddlers and cats those would be on the floor
The part of my collection I was able to cram onto those shelves. Sometimes I think of organizing them more neatly, making some room, setting some preferences. But than on the other hand I always come to the conclusion that I actually really like it that way. It looks like in an old antiquity store and it‘s evoking the feeling that there are some hidden gems to be found if one takes the time to go through it all…
I’m just waiting for the day I find and open something like this!!! JACKPOT!
Nice collection by the way.
Thanks Imagine a place in time where there are regular flea markets in your neighborhood where cabines full of Yoyos to sell are a common thing…that would be the best
Like in a museum. Do you lower your voice when you approach this cabine?
A lovely selection of yoyos you got there.
This is clearly a big wire rack. What’s on the other shelves? Is this a full stack of hobbies?
Edit: also, nice collection!
I bought two Yoyoformula shelves off one of the other yo-yo sites over their Labor Day sale. It’s not the whole collection but it’s most things that aren’t plastic Butterflies or loopers.
The shelves are currently flanking my monitor on my desk, which is a mess. I’ll need to find a better forever home for them. Maybe after I redo the attic, which I am definitely going to get down to doing some day.
Updated my display to be entirely focused on fixed axle wood and modern responsive
Need to get more when I get a chance and expand my display to include my bimetals and hybrids.
Had a nice lil Saturday night tweaking the display to help with sight lines.
Some nights i spend more time messing with the display than actually yoyoing.
There is something zen garden, origami, Jenga, Tetris ie about the way yo-yo people store the boxes they choose to keep in a drawer, shelf, cabinets or bigger box. I bet someone has a beautiful pelican case full of throws and has another case just as beautiful full of the boxes for said throws… and in some dark corner of the house is a neatly organized pile of boxes the boxed yo-yo came in…. I have boxes for my boxes aaaaashhhhh
Nice organization by the way. Round and oddly shaped containers are very challenging.