The Night Shift yoyo. What should it look like?

We’ve all seen the Night Moves yoyo. I love the name of it which in my imagination conjures images of nightime scenes: a city skyline at night, cruising down a dark country road, city streets late at night, etc. I’ve had night jobs: as a security guard and worked many lonely overnight shifts by myself, patroling the huge resort I still work at. An overnight job at another huge, haunted hotel (Buckhill Inn) monitoring boilers in the power house. The Night Moves yoyo is available in many bright color combinations. None look very night-ish. I love the idea of a yoyo called the The Night Shift and having it look…nightime-ish. What would a yoyo like this look like? Should it be black? Should it have cool engravings that have a nightime feel? I’ve been thinking about this for weeks. What comes to your mind when you think of a yoyo called The Night Shift? Do you have a yoyo that looks like it could fit the name The Night Shift? Please share your ideas or pics.
EDIT: I keep this in mind whenever my sketchbook is open. Maybe I will stumble upon the perfect engraving this way…


This speaks to me since ive become a worker of the night… shift. Ive been on night shift (start at 12 midnight) for over a year now. Though I imagine working as a guard is quite different from working as a medical technologist in a busy lab, but the night is my life now.

If you are throwing at night, white yoyos (or glow like my 720s) are the best. But if i were to make an homage to the night, it would be a black yoyo with white engraving. Something with the moon since it is the light of the night.


I second a black yoyo with some subtle white engraving


Black is good. But I feel deep dark colors also. Dark purples, reds, and greens.

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How about anodised black catch zone and black glow in the dark neon cup and rims.


Having the moon and or stars makes sense.

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You have me thinking about a BRAND now. And a bunch of models within the brand. The Night Shift Crescent, an organic with a crescent moon engraving. The Night Shift Myotis, a wing-type yoyo with a bat engraving. Imagine a Crescent in a silver/clear-black fade. Or a Myotis in jet black or deep brown…


Great ideas. I am working on some drawings tonight. Your ideas make me think about The Night Shift being available with different engravings. In my dreams it would be an all-arounder yoyo - hits all the specs so when the person is driving into work in the dark and passing by houses with porchlights on and one window dimly lit by a slow blue flicker of light from a television, knowing most everyone in the houses is sleeping or getting ready to go to bed, he or she has the perfect yoyo in their pocket to keep them sane during a long, lonely night. “You’re working the night shift and it’s time to take a break, so put down your clipboard, put on a pot of coffee and spend a few minutes with your perfect overnight campanion…The Night Shift.”


Love it. Hope to see some of the artwork. And, of course, the throw become a reality. I really like the concept.

Ha. I don’t want to make a yoyo. It’s just stuff I think about or talk to co-workers about like “yeah, if I won ten million dollars I’d…” I might try to get a yoyo engraved with my design - like how YYF was letting people upload their own art to get engraved on a California.

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These are some ideas I came up with for a cup engraving on The Night Shift yoyo (only available in black). It’s never going to be an actual yoyo but I’d like to get the engravings on a black yoyo.


Loving the moon face logo :+1:
The night shift expression is so accurate, he’s going “pfffffffffffff” :joy:


Thank you.

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Both are really cool man. I’d def have to pick up a cup of coffee though. Mmmmmmm Coffee!!!


I love the moon and the stars, definitely have to keep the stars in the final art.


Love them both. One on each half of a single yoyo?


I didn’t think about that. The drawings don’t match each other and would look weird with one on each side. I think maybe the same engraving on both sides. Maybe the words The Night Shift on one side and the drawing sans words on the other side? Now I need to rethink the whole idea.


I’m finding myself staring into the sky fantasizing about this in my hand. This needs to happen.


More ideas for the engravings. Maybe this yoyo will be plastic with pogs that can be removed therefore interchangeable like with the Sage.


We can see this happen.
Let’s wish upon a star:

@yyfben2.deactivated, maybe a community design/themed yoyo is being born?