The "I Finally Landed It!" Thread

SEASICK after 2.5 years whoooo this is all I’ve been doing the entire day

Super excited. After being away from yoyoing for a little over a decade, I finally landed figure 8, superman, and Paul kerbel’s p.a.o.b.r.s. :smiley:

I used to sporadically land Hidemasa Hook. Today I landed 3 in a row on my first 3 attempts!

This trick took me 9 months to get this good with… :-\

horizontal magic drop

Vid! Oh, and nice work! :slight_smile:

Vortex immersion

behind the back red halo
horizontal hiroyuki speed combo
Chris Chia horizontal behind the back combo

oooh thats a tuffy

Brent stole -----> Branding


How consistently can u hit the horizontal hiroyuki combo?
I can do it consistently vertically, but always mess up the begging or the hop part horizontally

Even he himself often skips the proper hop and replace it with 2 undercuts. i did too.

I can finally boingy boing! life = complete.

Slap bind! Just need to get it consistent!

I am still trying to get consistent with a one handed bind after a Plastic Whip.

Jensen Kimmit “Hi I’m Michael.”

Behind the back horizontal to either air bind or fingerspin bind :smiley:
I need to return to doing some 3A, or find my Duncan dice that I lost

bent over horizontal gt hops

OMG landed this 3 tricks on the same day:
Laceration type Onehand bind

I don’t know what that is, but it sounds painful!

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