The Definitive Yuuki Slack Video

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this is the best yuuki slack video

Yeah. It makes it easier to count the number or spins, so thanks Brett.

Thanks I now have a new slack trick that my friends think is really impressive

Thanks man. That’s how you do a tutorial. Slow-mo.
Just started this one. Thatd be cool if you did superman.
There’s no good tutorials out there.

Thanks now I have a new slack trick that literally looks slacky.


Holy cow man… Every time I watch one of your videos, I realize just how much I suck. ;D I can only hope that I’m half as good as you are by the time I’ve done it as long as you have.

Amazing stuff. I always like your choice of music too. Keep it up.


Off Topic: heres one that i learned it from
On Topic I Finally got it down and my family loves it

Very Awesome. Learned it in 10 minutes because of it. 8) ;D