Temp trades!


hello do you wanna temp trade the rec rev i and the protostar?

You have no feedback. You should read the post you quoted.

but he can call my city police and everything but in order to get feedback is to trade -.-

See, I don’t think I’ll be joining in on this, and it has nothing to do with feedback counts. Normally, when I trade something, that’s it. I think of it as gone. If I get something in return, then I’ll get used to that, and likely hold on to it.

With this, there’s no guarantee that one of the people would want to ship back if they like what they get. Plus, we’d have to work out some sort of system for the length of times for the trade to last. Then, is it really worth $10-$20 (basic shipping to priority with tracking), just for a week or two?

I have nothing against it, but I’m just voicing my concerns. I don’t foresee myself taking part in this.

I got my first several feedback by purchasing off the BST.

i havent bought anything off of BST yet because i dont have a paypal account and i just started yoyoing not to long ago.

I think so. You have the opportunity to test out a yoyo you might otherwise not be able to try. It also gives you a chance to throw a yoyo you’re interested in before you drop $100+ on it.

Everyone has start there, you should trade up what you have, or find a way to send money, not just through paypal. temp trading someone with 0 feedback is sketchy, typically speaking. you gota work your way up like all of us did.

I wont do this temp thing. too much risk for me and i dont have 10-15 to try a yoyo.


Who has made a temp trade

Waylon and I are gunna here in like a week or two, im tradin a markmont next for his groove lady for awhile, ive always wanted to try a werrd, he wants to try a OD.

like someone said … i wouldn’t mind doing this with someone who has ALOT of feedback like preinfalk or LinksLegionaire (and others who have like over 20 or 30 feedback)

you still do it like a trade.

If i was to temp trade with Prein or Link … i wouldn’t worry about when they ship or what we are actually temp trading, like the value of our yo-yos wouldn’t matter because I would trust them 100%.

Now if its someone I don’t know or has like 10 or less feedback etc. I would expect them to ship first and also I would expect their temp trade value to be more than my temp trade value ( as in what they are sending me to be worth more than what I am sending them) That way if the person decides to keep yours … its ok because you have their yoyo and its worth more. So in a way you can make it safe, you just gotta be smart about it.

So by saying that I am open to the Idea …and if you have something I want to try … then we can work something out etc.

I really want to try :
Eternal Throw Victory
Oxygene Ozone
Deadly Spin Wrath
Any YoyoRec or Turning Point

What I have, or what I am willing to temp trade… depends on who it is but basically:

Royale or Crucial a la mode- i would use one of these as a temp trade for a Victory or Ozone or Wrath.

Arctic Circle or Double Joker - I would use one of these as a temp trade for H5xChief or Puffin,

Leviathan 2 and Positron - I would use one of these as a temp trade for Any other YoyoRec or Turning Point

so there you go … i think this would be fair for anyone (at least these are my conditions) and if someone wants to temp trade great… if not … oh well. I am not going to lose sleep over it :slight_smile: like YoRed (get some sleep) lol just kidding

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It’s cool that you guys would be willing to do this, but I find this idea to be terrible and very risky. I personally wouldn’t do this. Ever.

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Is this still happening?

I think it’s a cool idea. I would be willing to temp for a YYR Blink or a Stardust 2. I just want to try them out.

I have an E=Mc^2 and an Acrophobia I can temp trade in return. Hit me up if you have either.

Alex interested in trying anything else? I’ve been wanting to try an Acrophobia for ages.

Fake Sleipnir

Any of these interest you?

you have a ti Walker, right?

I’ll send you both as collateral if you temp trade the ti walker. I’ve always wanted to try one of those. PM me if you’re interested.

Links and I had a successful temp trade. There’s still some throws I’m looking to try without making a permanent change to my collection.

Looking for:
YYR Blink
YYR Stardust 2
YYR Overdrive
VsNYYC Moonwalker
CLYW Puffin
CLYW Glacier Express
CLYW Cliff (When it’s released)

YYR Acrophobia
YYR E=Mc^2
CLYW Gnarwhal

Hit me up if you’re interested.

Will feedback be left for temp trades? Cause myself a proboscis or however you say his name it’s Andrew miller I believe. We’ve been talking about doing a temp trade.

I have
2 puffins
Arctic circle
3 chiefs
New breed
Pro z
YYJ Big Yo.

IF YOU’RE WANTING TO TRY MY CLYw’s we’d have to do a lower risk temp trade first. Cause no offense but they’re my babies and have never even hit carpet with them. I don’t hit my cheaper throws either. They’re all valuable to me :slight_smile: but anyways I’m down for temp trades but would only do high end metals for high end metals. And we have to agree to have some type of agreement incase anything happens that should be tragic and unexpected.

I’m currently in the process of building up my feedback. I also have no problem using money as a down payment or a deposit of some sort. Because I’ve only ever bought Clyw’s because I don’t wanna risk buying something else and not liking it. Recently bought the wrath and well, it’s deff not a clyw and I see why it comes with so much stuff. Has a cheap feeling to me. Plays like a magic Yoyo magistrate. IMO. Anyways had I done a temp trade and had tried a wrath I wouldn’t have had to have bought it to throw it. I won’t lie, all the extras sold me :slight_smile: haha

If you like his groovy lady TFL hit me up cause ill sell/trade you mine :wink: