surge and yyf popstar

wanting to sell my surge and popstar surge is brand new popstar has a couple dings, 45$ shipped pm me

You need pics if you are selling on the B/S/T, so I suggest you do get some soon.



would like a metal or nice plastic, I don’t like the feel of either of these that’s why im tryin to sale or trade

20$ shipped for surge
17$ shipped for popstar

A surge is cheaper than a popstar.

Prices should be opposite…

surge is 19 new and mines brand new, ur right about the popstar tho im just tryin gto get enuf money to get me another throw

40$ for the pair shipped!!! GET AT ME!!!

Sorry but if you want someone to buy you need a lower price.

A $16 surge
And a $25 popstar.

Prices go down
$13 for surge
Popstar $15

You should charge $30 SHIPPED for both. Or $25 for both.