Styles of Play, and Relative Difficulty/Complexity...

Well, thanks for your opinion on it, others found 4A easier than 5A. It was said 4A was sold short, but even you moved it down…a whole…one spot. So, still in the ballpark, as you didn’t move it from second to fifth or anything. Now, that would be selling something way too short. But remember, I may have sold it short for you…but not for me. This is about personal perception. Ambidextrous is interesting…I envy you, as that’s got to help quite a bit. Interesting that 2A was put last, and maybe if it is that difficult, it could be part of the reason I don’t see many competing in that style here lately. They might feel as you do.

I replied earlier regarding 2A to 3A.

5A and 4A, I find 5A to be second easiest to 1A, as 4A takes a much different approach that for me involves higher risk and learning curve. Similar to 2A, there is a sort of “do or do not” in 4A, in that if you mess up, you mess up, yoyo drops, wham, done, start over, where as in 5A, you might make an error, but the yoyo’s still spinning, on the string, you can readjust and continue on the same throw.
Yes in 5A there is an extra object involved, but once you get past the basics, the secondary object honestly becomes second nature, take it from me as a top ranking 5A professional in the competition scene, it gets to the point where its almost just 1A, and the dice flows with you.
4A on the other hand, is a constant pushing of your boundaries and abilities as you find and attempt new regens and binds and railing tricks, which in my eyes makes it more difficult in its excecution than 5A.

1A is just easy, so everyone does it to try to look cool.




Ok, question for the bigger brains:

Does looping with one looping yoyo instead of using two loopers as is used with 2A have a style name? That is where most people start learning the hobby… well most us older folks anyways. ;D

Isn’t that 0a, or something? Yoyo Kangaroo should know, maybe he can help us.

Edit: Yep, looping with a single yoyo is 0a, according to the wiki. Here’s the article:

Aah, the good old days doing 0a…

Your rankings are a very common layout, and similar to most others here. :). I’m beginning to think there is a popular opinion regarding the question. That is exhibited so far…and it looks like what you described.

Okay Saintrobyn…we will call it a night.

You know its difficult when one one mentions about Moebius.
Everyone tends to tell me its too difficult.

Just thought I’d drop that in this.

No offense ~Z not to neglect it, or some other styles, but I just posted about what I’ve seen at competition around these parts. We can certainly open up discussion to Moebius, and how difficult it might be if anyone has experience or has given it some thought to rank it based on perception. I’d be curious to know what they think. I just watched a bunch of Moebius videos, gearing up for an answer. I’m still thinking where it might fall…anyone else?

I love how everyone tries to keep the thread going as if nothing happened.

Anyway, 3a has become my favorite style so far. I’m doing pretty good learning tricks and such. 5a is a little harder for me. I’m not at the point in 4a where I can talk about the difficulty. 2a is just impossibly hard. I can’t comprehend how difficult it is for me to loop. I am very to learn and I will not be giving up any time soon.

See for me, 4A is only in 3rd, As many tricks, such as orbits, whips and the like, they’re all derived from diabolo. Which I have done for 5 years. That’s probably why I placed it in 3rd. Due to many familiar elements.

And yes 3a is much easier for me that way. I can play Left handed near exactly as I do righty. It’s fun relearning tricks by doing em backwards!