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Finally able to get the 2 International orders shipped this morning. Also got the address i wrote down wrong fixed and got that shipped this morning. So that means all 20 orders have been shipped. Again Thank you to every single one of you that participated in this in any way, shape, or form (even if u just simply clicked the linked once to check it out) i genuinely appreciate all off you.

Overal I can confidently say this was very successful. Although i did make a couple mistakes…I accidentally sold the Aria twice and wrote an address down wrong both were easily remedied…also the pictures i used were absolutely terrible haha, sorry about that, i didnt realize how dark they were at the time.

So next time we’re going to do this a bit differently. Ive got some ideas and plans that will make ROUND 2 much easier for you guys and for me. Im currently getting everything together for round 2 which will probably be tonight.


Hey. I bought the sushi and tide from you and accidently sent you the payment via venmo. I sent you a couple messages but have not received reply. I don’t see any packages on their way to me on USPS informed delivery. Can you shoot me a message and make sure we’re on the same page?

Hello Team!! Trying to get some feedback from @EdDude and it’s been radio silence. Wanted to check in on my Ti Respawn purchase. I’m hoping he didn’t sell it twice. Anyone hear from him? Taken delivery on others?

Well, I heard that he made a sudden trip to France after coming in to some money>

Right at this very moment, he is at a French IHOP and a Waiter with a very heavy accent is trying to explain to Ed, the difference between Crepes and Pancakes when you fold them in half and dip them in a glass of Milk.

Ed asked the Waiter for something to drink? The Waiter said Wee Wee…… and Ed said uh, no thanks, just plain water, please…


I purchased 2 of his throws, the Droid and Tiramisu 2.
His communications were not great but the throws came a few days after the purchase. He did respond to one of my messages and provided tracking.
This was my only time dealing with him and my overall impression was that I would do business with him again. I would likely have to adjust my expectations on communications though.
In his defense, he did get slammed with orders. I think he said he got over 40. Not saying it’s an excuse as he posted the items and should be there for the after sale support. Just saying that he may have been a bit overwhelmed with the quantities of orders and messages. Tough to keep that straight sometimes.
Good luck to you. I sincerely hope it works out as I feel like he’s a good dude with a solid rep on the forums.

Enjoy the throw


Thanks for the input. I’m confident it will work out.

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I’ve done business with him a couple of times. He’s always delivered. I wouldn’t worry.


Just a heads-up that I also paid for a yoyo 5 days or so ago and am waiting to hear back.

Thanks much!

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Got my yoyo in the mail already, no complaints at all. Mint in box!

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Ed!! I’m hoping you’ll touch base brother. It’s been 12 days and no word.

What’s the happenings?

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Man. I hope this works out for you. At this point you have to hope nothing has happened to the man. I mean people get hit by vehicles crossing the street all the time. At least they do on MY street!! Seriously though, titanium is never cheap and your concern is well understood. Really do hope this works out.


Yeah u sent me money out of the blue unexpectedly 7 days after the fire sale without a single message from you durring those 7 days

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Ed provided tracking information today. We are all square for now. Thanks.

The one you didn’t ID is an ILYY AbysmAL

Dang I should know that too, I have one of them lol

Just big props to Ed!! Selling this many throws at a time with big deals for them to be played instead of shelf queened is awesome and appreciated.




Just thought I would let everyone know that the Ti Respawn showed up as promised.


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