Some judging ideas

Because of the current rules or Augie’s proposed rules?


No, the new system is designed to give extra points for new, creative, difficult, or stylish tricks.

Though, please note that scoring in either system has little to do with whether you are a beginner or not; it deals with how good of a freestyle you put on. You can put on a great freestyle regardless of whether you are a beginner.

What he said. :stuck_out_tongue:

The competition that I went to had some younger kids there that had just recently started yoyoing. They didn’t have super duper hard tricks like ladder escape or whatever, but they did have some good beginner tricks and make them look good. (Just throwing that out there)

what’d they get for places?

I like it and hope they start to take up some of these ideas…

Good thoughts Augie

That would give inaccurate statistical analysis information so I won’t say, but they didn’t do the worst. And I don’t remember exactly how they did.

Very good i like these ideas alot.
