(Solved!) YoYo Identification Help!

I’m hoping some people in the group might be able to help me out real quick. I grabbed a couple of throws from an auction and have been able to identify most of them through lengthy searches, but there are a few that I still need a little help with if possible!

I just like to keep a list of what I have, so they are sticking out at the moment as unidentified, haha!
Thank you for any support you can offer!

Throw 1

I thought this might have been a Thorn at first, but the cuts seem a little off

Throw 2

I have absolutely no idea on this one, but there is a tiny nubbin in the center, like a spike but very minimal

Throw 3

This one had an interesting image on the container, but no text other than whatever was on top and on the inside of the plastic as well that said “Yo No Si”

Thank you for the help! :slight_smile:

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Circle city muse, Smashing monocle, Yanasi Scissortail


Absolutely nailed it! You have no idea how long I’ve spent trying to figure those out, haha. Thank you so much!

My OCD can be satiated now, lol :rofl:

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