*SOLD PLS CLOSE* Duncan Barracuda János Karancz edition (Onedrop Machined)

100% mint, with box.

SOLD shipped worldwide ~ G&S included.


How can you tell if a Barracuda was machined by One Drop?

Even though they still carry the Duncan name, the OG barracuda were machined by Onedrop, even if it wasn’t public news. They were the ones that had several colors in addition to the current ones (machined in China) and editions, such as 44Clash, Drew Tetz, SpinworkX.

In particular, in addition to being machined, the Jánós Karancz edition has pyramatte anodizing.

The quality of the finishing changes, the gameplay changes, the box says “uses made”, and the main thing was the price: $109 for normal versions, and $120 for special editions (in 2012).

Chinacuda is about $40~50.

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Well, my Barracuda is used, I don’t know when it was made…

It’s Orange if that helps?

Usacuda: Solid colors are sandblasted, special editions too, except János Karancz, which is pyramatte.

Chinacuda: Solid colors are bright, without sandblasting, and splashes are sandblasted.

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Not sure how to tell if it’s sandblasted… here are some pics of it:

Chinacuda, on one of the sides, there is this code “AOISW” too.

Mine says “AXFTN”

Is it USA or China?

China! If there is an acronym on one of the sides, it is china made. USA made don’t have this code/acronym.

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That’s too bad… thanks!

but by the way, it’s still one of the best yoyos I’ve ever played. It’s a fantastic yoyo, regardless of whether it’s the usacuda or chinacuda. Both are excellent.


I agree that it plays very well!

(Thanks @Slestak75!)


besides, it is a signature of a Brazilian (my country) Rafael Matsunaga :slight_smile:


The engraving on that is killer! I have a Javier Augusto edition and I thought that was cool, this one blows it away, haha!


I had one too! The Javier Augusto was the only special edition made in China! I believe there were few units too. He’s beautiful! I have the Barracuda X Javier Augusto edition.


Holy Jeez man… Barracudas have more lore than I thought!?

(And it’s quickly becoming one of my favorites!)

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It’s one of Duncan’s most successful yoyos over a decade ago! From the screaming eagle series, it was one of the last to have a series manufactured in the USA. Subsequently, all Duncans today are made from China, although this is not very important information. Rafael Matsunaga was the only Brazilian to win 1st place until today in a category at the world championships. He is an idol for us here.

In this case, he won in category 5A in 2003 worlds.


Thats awesome!

Have you tried the Barracuda JR.? I like the Barracuda, but I like small yoyos a lot.

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not yet! I’m curious to test it.

My own old barracuda collection