Sold please close

@Dust 118


I used to have one and I foolishly traded it to get back another foolishly sold yoyo i should have never parted with. It was a pristine Zip Zop Chief i found for cheap, posted about it, was contacted by a high end collector that got me on the hook and reeled me in. It took me almost 2 years to get that Chief back from him and when i did He wanted my Ti Peak plus a couple hundred.
Turned out that Zip Zop Chief is one of like 5 in the world. Rarer than any BBB and WAY prettier.

Id like really to get a Ti Peak back into my bag of forever throws but . . . . no work due to outbreak, and no income from no work. Ill just have to drool.


Me wants that peak…so broke!!! :cry:


i don’t know why you’re laughing at people because you undervalued the product. do you spend ur free time laughing in ferrari dealerships?


who told you that?

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sold and bought a batsquatch