Sold! (10 characters)

Hey guys, apologies to anyone who messaged me about my stuff over the last couple months, I was taking a break from the forum at first and then I had a medical situation happen that ended up prolonging my break.

Anyway, here’s some stuff I’m selling. All prices shipped, ConUS only atm.

Umbra - nmtbs - 45$

Exia- nmtbs - 55$
Very very light string vibe

Note- the rainbow rings on many yo-yos with them have a spot that is different from the rest of the ring, I figured I should mention this cuz some people I guess aren’t aware and don’t like that fact

Tourney clear coat - one slightly bigger than a pinprick mark, one small light scratch - 40$

Very light finger nail vibe

I’ll sell everything together for 105$

Trades/Want to buy:
Wine red Hypothesis v1



That’s a crazy good deal.


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