Small Bearing Bassalope response...

What size/brand stickers will fit the sb Bassalope? The response in mine is about dead and my feeble Googling attempt did not turn up an answer.

Either Flowable Silicone, or Duncan silicone pads Size 12mm.

I don’t think that the recess in the SB Bassalope will accommodate silicone.

I looked at it, it comes stock with silicone so you can add silicone.

That’s not silicone, that’s a silicone pad. 12mm silicone stickers will fit perfectly.

Actually. There isint anything in there. I think.

I was showing the recess not Whats in it by the way.

There’s not enough recess for flowable.

Duncan friction pads work best.

Yup. Duncan 12mm silicone stickers are perfect.

Flowable will rip out after a dozen throws or so.

Two Duncan silicone stickers if you want bite, or else one silicone and one worn out friction sticker.