Skyline FT/FS

I have come to the realization that i do not need 2 peaks so one is possibly for sale/ for trade. Just testing the waters. Played but almost mint. Not fools gold, have box. It has one small ano imperfection. It is an imperfection because there is one “hairline” thin line where the ano did not stick, the sand blast is there. I had a hard time getting a pic, it is so small i did not even notice it until today, it is tiny. I have trouble finding it. So basically mint. I understand these are pretty rare, i paid 130 for it so im looking for 130 shipped

Near mint gold skyline Ft (No marks really but has been played), pics on request. Have box, and extra pair of k pads. 80 shipped (usa) to your door!

Both for 205 shipped

Wants: (really wants are bold)
Original Painted Peak (will give both of these + more)
Woolly Marmot (engraved)
Bassalope (when they come out)

Also i will be at IYYO, so if you want to buy/trade there that would be better. But i can ship too!

Jeremy G


I’d go for the Gung-Fu, but I’m broke. :frowning:

Try saying bump instead. It’s a trading thread tradition. :wink:

You would probaly get more offers if you werent being so picky. :wink:

As soon as I get 50 bucks im gonna be all over that Gung.

Sorry, gung is gone.

What do you mean by “picky” I would rather tell you what i would immediately say no to, instead of wasting your and my time with all the offers i know i do not want.

I wouldn’t say he is being picky, I would say it is just something he does not want, or has enough of.

That can be for any reason, but no means “picky.” :wink:

CAn you post a picture please.

Happy Throwing! =]

Heres a picture of the skyline, if you need a picture of the hyper freehand ill take one.

(BTW the green circle is around a small rip in the package, it came like that)

Ill let is go for 85 shipped! It comes with extra k-pads as well.

Also Peak just added.


can i have a pic of the hyper freehand

there is no hyper freehand…
