Short collection of tricks

I’ve been trying to re-learn some tricks, and I’ve put together a short collection of some of my favorites at the moment.

1st trick was created by Yuuki Spencer, seen in his 2007 worlds freestyle. 2nd trick was created by Jason Lee, seen in his early chopsticks video titled(I think) “The Fidget.” The last trick was created by John Ando, seen in a collaboration video directed by Miguel Correa titled “Win By Default.”


Nice! These are all sweet tricks and some good picks! Because you’re interested in learning tricks, I’m going to plug the Trick-a-Week thread! Each week, a few of us learn a new trick from a tutorial. They’re usually not too difficult and we try to pick tricks with good or interesting yocabulary built in. Maybe this would be something you might enjoy! There is also a big list of the tricks we’ve learned in the past up at the top you can check out. Might see something cool you want to try out or some new content creators worth following. No worries if that doesn’t seem right for you, just figured I would throw the idea out there! Have fun playing yo!


Thank you! That does sound interesting, so I’ll definitely check it out. I just started yoyoing again recently after a long hiatus, so I’m enjoying learning so much new stuff.