If you have a phrase you are searching for try putting it in quotes. I know that used to give good results on google.
Like hsb, Ive had relatively good results when searching here.
If you have a phrase you are searching for try putting it in quotes. I know that used to give good results on google.
Like hsb, Ive had relatively good results when searching here.
it doesn’t happen every time
Can you describe the specific times it happens, what words are you using to search, and in what order?
Also: it’s difficult for a small company of ~100 people to beat Google, a company of 182,502 full time employees, at their area of expertise. Just saying, something to keep in mind… search is a very large, very complex problem.
i was saying to Andre it’ll be tough for me to remember all the details and be confident I’m giving helpful accurate info so I’ll just post any future occurences here with as much info as i can. in my defense I’m pretty good with searches and search terms and always try several variations which is what makes it all the more confusing when it happens
totally! i was more being snarky at the tech but genuinely interested in the whys and hows