Scoring on Texas cowboy and intentional restart in 1A division?

Been looking up some competition rules, and was wondering if Texas cowboy score at all?? It is a cool trick, but at no point has the yo-yo interact with the string, so I feel like it might not click at all, which would be a shame. Also wondering if I do a trick where I intentionally stop a yo-yo and restart it in a cool way, would I get a deduction? If anyone know please share, thank you!

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Texas cowboy scores in 2a I believe.

You could do a stop and go. Those don’t technically score but can lead to the next element scoring more if I understand the rules correctly.

I wouldn’t risk an intentional restart. Most likely will get a major deduction bc it’s a restart, Intentional or not. Interesting question and I’m not certain but that’s my interpretation of the rules.

I don’t know but i did it at nationals and i got first place and had a lot of mistakes in my freestyle so it probably added points. it probably adds points for being a trick that the audience likes.

it was a 1:50 in the video but also does that really count because i kind jumped over it one foot at a time.


Oh sorry I should’ve clarified, I meant to ask in 1a division, but thank you for the answer! Interesting take on the intentional restart, what’s the different between a stop and go and an intentional restart?

Cooool, what is sport division sounds like a lot of fun

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Sports is for newer players that are new to competing and it has different age groups like 9 and under, 10-12, 13-17, and 18 and up. They only do sports at U.S contest like regional contests and nats and some state contests.

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With a stop and go you wind the Yoyo partially up and then unwind it. An intentional restart seems to imply the Yoyo is dead at the end of the string and then the spin is restarted.

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In 1a the Texas cowboy will not score in technical execution because the YoYo does not interact with the string, but if you hit a Texas cowboy before a horizontal combo it will look a lot more flashy and maybe boost your technical evaluation/performance score.