Rhinegeist Meetups: Second and Last Wednesday, and Last Saturday of every month

Hi everyone,

We’re changing this up a bit with how we organize the club.

Biweekly meetings will be on the first and last Wednesday of each month. This will help with consistency since “every other Wednesday” is pretty vague and unhelpful. Same time and place, Rhinegeist Brewery in OTR at 6:30 pm.


Monthly meetups will now be at Rhinegeist as well, 2:00 pm every last Saturday of the month.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Discord link below


Hey this looks fun! I actually live in Louisville but if you’d be down to have visitors I’d love to come.

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Of course! We’d be happy to have you.

Just a reminder, next club meetup is this weekend on Saturday! Hope to see you there. Whoever you are

Meetup still happening at 2:00?

*Also, the Discord link isn’t working, mind sharing again?

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Yep, still on at 2! Let me grab a link

Thanks! See you all soon

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Next meeting is on Sunday the 26th. Everyone is welcome. Please let me know if there are any questions

Do you have a new discord link? Or a permalink to the discord? I’m moving to the area soon

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I just discovered you can make the link permanent!

I’ve been informed that the venue I inquired about is unavailable. I’ll update with more details once I’m able to

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Next meetup is the 21st, which is Sunday.

Snacks and drinks will be provided. I also bring a bunch of Butterfly XTs if you have someone who’s interested but does not want to invest financially.

Same location, indoors with access to bathrooms and tables/chairs and fridge.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!

This weekend.

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Yep, should be fun! Looking forward to it

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Hi guys, next meetup is Sunday the 25th. Let me know if you have any questions.


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Some pictures from our last meetup:


Just a reminder:

Next meetup is this Sunday, let me know if you have any questions.

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Hi everyone, next meet up is Sunday, May 5th. It is our two year anniversary! Please feel free to reach out if you need anything.



Just a reminder that club is today. They’re will be pizza. Also it’s yard sale time in the neighborhood of the club so bring cash if you’re interested

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