Remember the name yoyo
Tell me what you think! Criticism of any kind humbly, thoughtfully, and probably sarcastically accepted.


Ben this is your best video yet. It’s amazing!

WOH, That was awesome, and agreeing with andrew, best video yet, awesome, keep up the good work!

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Cool,awesome,great,perfect … :o :o :o

wow… that was REALLY good… i loved the slacks in that video really cool!

Wow. :o
That was incredible.
Your’re doing this on a gold ENEME, am I correct?

nah i think hes using a peak.

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Also, greatest song eva, :wink: but language warning. :slight_smile:

What’s the song!??

Fort Minor - Remember The Name

Sweet tricks Andrew! Awesome editing techniques!

That was great! :slight_smile:

Dude i have those same headphones except mine are blue.