Retail Markmonts! WTT: CLYW, SPYY, A-RT, YYF, Ti, Feet pics LF: colour swaps and small bearings

Puffin 1, PC 420, Triton, Freehands, Punchline, Addict, Rainbow Porykrash, Overthrow, Rally, Nitro, AC1 gone!

Casequeen means I won’t consider letting it go unless its for something in my top 5 wants.

If youre interested in selling off your extra’s I’ll buy your bulk :slight_smile:. PM for details.
Prices and more details here: EVERYTHING IS ‘OR BEST OFFER’!
Some are priced to sell, some are priced to keep. If you’re interested PM me regardless and we can work something out.

Trades im lookin for in order of preference;
-RSM/Hubstack/Antiyo SideEffects
-jensen drawings on a-rt/clyw/paper/canvas/tittymeat
-ashberry/berryberry/BBB/matsuri splash CLYW throws
-a-rt grail/quail/stale/triptych/diptych
-berry berry peak

-palli gnarwhal with the rifling
-RSO Ti knockoffs (mechabapezilla/viszilla pl0x)
-alchemy cu/cu later
-delrin crucial throws
-yyf catch22 with the box
-pre one drop CLYW (need in this order: peak, sb bassalope, galactic goose, ac2, bvm 1/2, gnarwhal 1/2, campfire)
-neat side effects one drop: Summit, Chik
-antiyo that aint beat
-ilyy: anything candyblasted
-spyy: Ranchero, Super light, Ronin, TYY, Amplifier
-yyn/extreme spin edition freehand zero
-anything smallbearing or that strikes that nostalgia factor


@FrankieJR 888mmxx :+1:

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Pm sent

Pm sent about the 888MMXX!

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This is the bump post :wink: I bump here occasionally

I have a small bearing red white and blue H-Spin Pyro


I do not have the box. The box was the old half and half with black foam insert. I was interested in the 9/10 a-rt 420 white.

What are the measurements it may be too large for me.

Wow ya just looked it up way to big for me. How about OG Pyro for OG 09/10/07 888

I decided I’d write a raunchy fanfic with each bump post line by line. Stay tuned.

One day you roll down to the downtown core. You heard from a buddy that there’s a cool new bar with an interesting show. It’s a juggler from Cirque du Soleil, and you wonder what the heck they could be doing here? Is this their hometown, and they’re moonlighting gigs? You decide to walk in and check it out. A cirque du soleil performance for the price of a beer sounds decent, no?


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