Questions for Brandon

Hi Brandon
Here are a few questions for you.

  1. Do you like cats or dogs more ?

  2. Do you like sweet or salty breakfast more ( pancakes ore fried eggs

  3. And what’s about your podcast? I am looking at your YouTube Videos and i know your making the Iron Man and you are going through a lot of stuff but I would be happy to hear something yoyo related when… yoyoing :grin:


I think it’s been a few years since Brandon has been on the forums, but I could answer the last question for you. The podcast is offset yoyo, here is the yt playlist

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Oh really ? and I know where his podcast is but he stopped producing a wile ago

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  1. Tbh I’m not really a pet person but if I had to choose I’d be a dog person.

  2. I’m a salty breakfast person. Eggs over cereal/pancakes all the way.

  3. Good question, I’ve got a few podcasts ready to be uploaded. Stefan is helping me edit them so they can come out more consistently.

  1. Both, I have one of each.

  2. Salty.

  3. I currently don’t have a podcast, but my house/techno events organization has a bimonthly mix series.

My name is Brandon so I answered, not sure if I’m the Brandon you’re looking for.


Bruh sorry I did mean Brandon vu ( he’s a yoyo YouTuber if you don’t now him)

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I enjoyed the second Brandon’s input might as well just ask all the Brandon’s the world is waiting to hear


I knew this was addressed to Brandon Vu, I just couldn’t help myself lol

