Question if not suggestion..

I have a question, is there any way to no longer be notified of a thread you posted in?
I posted in the thread and no longer have any idea what’s going on and i’d like to stop being notified when others reply. Is this possible? If not, it would make for a good option in the forum in case someone is lost (like me) or finds that thread no longer to their interest/gets bored with it.
So if it isn’t possible, it is a suggestion.

Go to your profile > Notifications and Email

Uncheck Turn notification on when you post or reply to a topic.

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But will that stop notifications to ALL the threads i’ve posted in or just specific ones?

What it does is when you want to be notified for a certain thread you can choose that thread.
If you choose not to just uncheck it and you won’t be getting any anymore.
If you choose to go back simply recheck.

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Also, when posting to a thread, before hitting the post button, you can click on the additional options right below the text box. With that, you can check the “Notify me of replies”.