Quentin Godet

Agreed. That whole routine was sheer insanity. Makes me want to try 4A…

Here’s a question: why did he have to switch out his yoyo? Surely he could just pick it up and re-wind it?

i believe it fell off the stage

European 4A.

This is correct. He almost got disqualified. The rule is: “If the yoyo goes off the stage, and past the judges you will be disqualified.” Thankfully, it didn’t go by the judges.

I know Quentin pretty well and i know he would love to be sponsored but had no offer…
He plays the Rextreme and the rextreme 2 only, so he really want to be sponsored by yoyojam.
Don t had any news from him since eyyc but i think that he got offers now! Because his freestyle was the best he ever made!

It will be “subjected for disqualification” They would never actually dq him for a small drop like that even though it would end up rolling past the judges table.

Since you know him, tell him everbody on the YYE Forums loved what he did at EYYC and he has our support whether the brands do or not.

maybe the forum should sponsor him.

Team community… Best team ever

So basically yoyoexpert… because it’s hard for anyone to part with yoyos.

Can we do that?


That would be cool, but shouldn’t he be on the forums?