Project 2 - One Throw

title as it says
tried to be as smooth as i can possibly be, i actually really like this video
i think it turned out good, what do you guys think?
leave me comments a criticism, i would greatly appreciate it Smiley
last but not least ENJOY IN HD!

That right there was pretty sweet! If you could speed up the tricks just a tad it would be pro! :wink:

i didnt want to go fast, tried to play smooth and flowy

It worked, Btw: are you using any sort of unauthorized awesomeness? It sure looks like it

haha nope no unauthorized awesomeness here, and thanks

I think I want that P2

haha good luck prying it from my cold dead hands :wink:

Creepy? But seriously, that was amazing; you don’t need to speed it up. It was perfect.

Nice! a good video with my fav yoyo… Nice paint job, too where did you get it? is it a special edition or…did you paint it yoourself?

Yeah, I thought the speed was perfect, I love it when people take their time and really show off the tricks instead of doing a blur of movements that just looks impossible. lol. Oh and the video… AWESOME!!! ;D

Nice video! :smiley:
and nice music.