Pricedrop FT/FS: Tiny, Gemstones, G2 Decade, iYoyo Nightmoves get it from EU

Dropped a couple of prices. Get your fun throws bois!

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Fun throws for good prices, don’t like em? Make me a decent offer and we’ll talk.

My bumps…my bumps my lovely yoyo bumps

Bumpity bump bump

Would love to trade for a Mod44 or Hummingbirb or something else that’s cool. Hit me up.

At this time I’ll entertain loads of trades. I just love trying different yoyos.

Also…still have a bunch of great throws.

Bump chicka bump bump.

If I have something you want…and you have a Retic Death Adder that you don’t use…you might want to talk to me bump.

What’s that blue half purple half slimline one?

MK1 x SW RBC. color is laserfade which is purple-blue fade on each side

Have a look, make an offer, buy or trade a yoyo.

Kind of feeling like getting a Koi or something fun from Onedrop lately. If you have something along those lines and feel like getting something I have!! Hit me up!

Buy em, trade em, stick em in a stew, no wait don’t do that last thing.


Anyone want to trade me a cool Onedrop or something?

I’m down to trade u a brand new reboot for the gemstones

What yoyo is this one?

Yoyofactory horizon. But it’s gone.

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Bimpety bumpity bump!

Still some fun things available for sale or trade.

Hit me up with that Aitch, Kraken, Free Solo, or other cool yoyo. Doesn’t have to be OneDrop…could be anything.

Or just buy stuff :slight_smile:

Bump bump bump, another one bites the dust!