Price check on a mint creeping midnight bsp? I have a potential buyer and want to know a good price. Thanks!
Now that’sa BSP.
I’m pretty sure mine is a backstagepass
Which isn’t a BSP.
Yeah the MFD Backstage Pass just released. The Anti-Yo BSP that others have pointed out is a classic and a much older, well known throw. You can just spell out Backstage Pass to avoid confusion
Didn’t realize more then 1 yoyo used that abbreviation
i would say probably around 100-120
I think one sold for 140 on the bst but not sure.
More than one does not share the same abbreviation. There is only one…
Just ask what you paid - retail plus shipping to you, plus shipping to potential buyer`s address.
$110-$120 shipped since it’s not one of the rarer colors
I agree with what has been said, I did see a 140 sale but that’s way to high, a non-rare color, a week after release with pretty low demand for resale so far- price should only be a little above retail so you can feel like gained something if that matters to you, so more then 100-120 wouldn’t be fair, my 2 cents